Ear infection is a most common problem that occurs mostly in young children and babies. Ear infection occurs when fluid gets trapped in the middle ear and becomes infected by bacteria or a virus. This is most likely to happen when the Eustachian tube, which is a narrow passage way that connects the throat to the middle ear, gets blocked. This blockage is caused by swelling or congestion from a cold, which is why an ear infection often develops on the heels of a cold. Allergies can also cause inflammation that obstructs the Eustachian tubes. But most commonly earr infections tend to strike after a common cold or sinus infection.
Symptoms of ear infection and pain could be:-
* Reduced appetite
* Unpleasant smell
* Complaining of ear pain or hearing loss
* Sudden increase in fussiness during a cold
* Fussiness during the day or night
* Yellow or whitish fluid draining from the ear
* Your baby pulls, grabs, or tugs at his ears
* Difficulty sleeping
In this, Ear Infection In Babies Ear Pain in children Help app we have compiled information on causes, symptoms, diagnosis, prevention and treatment of ear infections in children an small babies. One should avoid over-the-counter ear drops unless the doctor recommends them, as they can cause permanent damage if your child's eardrum is perforated.